A New Employee Experience

Casey Martin
6 min readAug 22, 2020

Over the past year, the Infor People Solutions team has been hard at work on a new, innovative employee experience that feels inviting and intuitive to even your most casual users.

While we’re planning on making the new employee experience the default experience later this year, we’re giving everyone a chance to try it right now.

Introducing the Employee Preview

The Employee Preview is your organization’s chance to try out the new HCM employee experience before you enable it for your users. The preview allows you to try out all the exciting changes we’ve made — and to provide your feedback to the Infor People Solutions team.

So what does the new employee experience look like? Click the play button below to see it in action!

Want to see more? Click through the PDF file below to see all the changes we’ve made to make it easier for employees to find the information they need and perform the actions they want to take.

Trying it for yourself

While videos and screenshots are nice, we know there’s no substitute to actually trying things out directly in the application, so we’ve made it easy with Employee Preview — a new role that allows you to try out our new employee experience — before we officially launch it.

Before you even turn on the Employee Preview, you’ll want to identify the user or users within your organization that you plan to have performing the evaluation. How many evaluators you choose to use is up to you, but we recommend enabling at least a couple of users to allow for a variety of voices to be heard.

Once you’ve got your evaluators identified, it’s time to enable the Employee Preview for them within HCM. The sections that follow explain how to do it within the application itself and via Infor Federated Services.

Before you get started

The new Employee Experience is built upon our recent SoHo 4 UX changes. If you are still running SoHo 3.5, you’ll need to turn on SoHo 4 UX before getting started with the new experience.

Details on enabling the SoHo 4 UX can be found here:


Assigning the Employee Preview Role Within Global HR

  1. Login to the application

2. Navigate to the Actor Page
Once you’re logged in, navigate to the Actor page. By default this is under ‘Data’, but you can also search for it using the HCM search field at the top of the screen:

3. Select your first evaluator
Once you’ve reached the Actor page, you’ll be presented with a list of Actors within the system. Use the filter fields at the top of the form to find the first user you want to designate as an evaluator for the Employee Preview:

4. Navigate to the Roles tab
Once you’ve selected the user, you’ll be presented with their details. From there, click on the ‘Roles’ tab:

5. Assign Existing Role
Once you’re on the Roles screen, click the action button on the far left and select ‘Assign Existing Role to Actor’:

6. Assign the Employee Preview Role
Once you’re presented the list of available roles, find the ‘EmployeePreview_ST’ role, and select it:

7. Using the Role
Once you’ve assigned the role to the user, they’ll be able to see the Employee Preview role in their role switcher:

8. Repeat!
Repeat steps 3–6 for each user you’ve identified as an Employee Preview evaluator.

That’s it! Once a user logs in and selects their newly assigned Employee Preview role, they’ll be able to try out the new employee experience.


Avoid configuring the navigation menu for the Employee Preview role for now. We may add additional items to this in future releases and you don’t want any configurations you might make to inadvertently override future items. Of course, once you’re prepared to move the new employee experience out of preview and share it with your employees, you can configure the employee menu however best fits you.

Assigning Users to the Employee Preview role via Infor Federated Services

  1. Login

2. Click your User icon at the top right, and select User Management

3. Navigate to the Security Roles page

4. Find the Employee Preview role using the search feature on the right

5. Assignment
Click the ‘+’ button and search for the user(s) you wish to assign to the role. Note that you’ll have to search for the specific user(s) you want to assign:

6. Don’t Forget to Save
Once you’ve selected your users, close the pop-up and click the save icon on the left:

Turning on Custom Home Pages

In addition to the default home page delivered with the new Employee Experience, Infor also offers a number of other home pages you can try out. The guide below shows you all the various home pages we offer, as well as instructions on how to enable them via the rich client . We’ve also included instructions on how to edit these files if you want to customize them.

Preparing to go live with the new Employee Experience

Once you’ve had a chance to try out the new and improved employee experience and are ready to go live with it, read this:

Tell us what you think

We want to hear from you! What do you like about the new employee experience? What do you think needs improvement? We’d love to hear more. Reach out to me here or contact our support team via InforXtreme and let us know. Having trouble getting the Preview set up? We’d be happy to set up a Teams call to chat!

feedback survey

Infor is a global leader in business cloud software specialized by industry.

